Okay, so I saw this thing online about Cora Jade’s bra size, and I got, like, super curious. Don’t judge! It’s a thing, apparently. So I decided to try and figure it out myself. No, not in a creepy way! Just… from stuff that’s already out there.

First, I scoured Google. You know, the usual – “Cora Jade bra size”, “Cora Jade measurements”, that kind of stuff. I found a bunch of those websites that claim to have celebrity stats, but honestly, they all seemed pretty sketchy. They all had different numbers, and none of them looked super reliable.
Then I thought, “Okay, maybe I can figure this out visually.” So I went to Instagram and started looking at her pictures. It’s not like it is hard, she posts a lot. I tried to compare her to other pictures where maybe the size was more obvious, or where she was wearing similar clothes. It’s hard, though! Angles, padding, different styles…it all makes a big difference.
- Tried the search engine route. Total bust.
- Tried the visual inspection. Also a bust
After spending, uh… a good chunk of time on this (don’t tell my boss!), I basically came up with nothing concrete. Seriously, it’s all just guesswork. It’s probably something only she really knows, and honestly, it’s her business!
My Final Verdict?
It is impossible to know for sure. I wasted a good hour on this, and all I got was a headache and a reminder that the internet is full of unreliable information. Maybe I’ll stick to figuring out my own bra size next time. Less frustrating, probably.