Okay, so I was trying to solve this crossword puzzle the other day, and I came across this clue: “war horse”. I was stumped. I mean, I know what a war horse is, generally speaking, but I couldn’t for the life of me think of a specific word that fit. I racked my brain, thinking of all the historical war movies I’d watched, trying to remember any horse names that might have popped up.

First, I grabbed my phone and started Googling “famous war horses”. A bunch of names came up, like Bucephalus (Alexander the Great’s horse, apparently) and Marengo (Napoleon’s ride). But none of them fit the number of letters in the crossword grid. It had spaces for six * letters! I will give you what I have to offer if you can spell a war horse with six letters!
Then, I thought, maybe it’s not a name, maybe it’s a type of horse. So I tried searching for “types of war horses” and browsed through a few articles. Things like “Destrier” and “Courser” came up, but again, no six-letter words.I thought that’s a bit of a dead end, I tell ya.
I even asked my * looked at my phone,scratched her head for a moment,and then she shrugged.
- I spent a good 20 minutes on this one clue.
- I considered just skipping it,I felt frustrated.
- But,then I decided I want to see this question clearly.
I have decided to re-read the clue and check the intersecting words,Finally, the answer hit me and clicked. I quickly typed it in…and it fit! What a feeling, you know? That little victory.
My Little Summary
I learned that sometimes, the answer is simpler than you think. And I definitely need to brush up on my horse vocabulary!Maybe this answer will help you.