Okay, so I’ve been meaning to try out this “raw” food thing for a while. Everyone’s talking about it, and I figured, why not? I’m not going full-on raw vegan or anything, but I wanted to see if I could incorporate more uncooked stuff into my diet.

First, I hit up the grocery store. I grabbed a bunch of fruits and veggies, you know, the usual suspects: spinach, carrots, apples, bananas. I also got some nuts and seeds, because I heard those are good for raw food diets. I felt pretty healthy just pushing my cart around, loaded with all that colorful produce.
Getting Started
- Washed everything like crazy. I mean, really scrubbed those veggies.
- Chopped up a mountain of stuff. My cutting board was overflowing.
Then i just made a big salad for the first try. And ate them, not bad. I even tried making a smoothie. It was okay, it could be good for a try.
I even tried to make one of those “raw” desserts I saw * looked decent, tasted… interesting. Maybe I need more practice.
Honestly, it was a bit of a mixed * salads were great, super fresh and crunchy.I felt good, it was a new try for *’s a nice experience.
So, will I keep doing this “raw” thing? I’m not sure. The food was tasty, but It needs time. We’ll * I’ll try some new recipes next week. Stay tuned!