Okay, folks, let’s talk about my little adventure trying to figure out the seating situation at the FBC Mortgage Stadium.

My Quest for the Perfect Seat
So, I’m planning to catch a game, and I’m one of those people who needs to know exactly where I’m sitting beforehand. I’m not about that “surprise me” life when it comes to stadium seats. I wanted the best view, good access to, you know, facilities, and maybe not be squished like a sardine.
First, I tried to just picture it in my head. Yeah, that didn’t work. Stadiums are big, confusing, multi-level things.
Then, I did a bunch of searching.I needed Something, anything!
I wanted something that show’s me, like, a bird’s-eye view of the whole place. Section numbers, row letters, the works. And ideally, I wanted to see what the view from different spots looked like. Is that too much to ask?
The Result
The biggest thing I learned? Every stadium is a little different. Some have super detailed charts online, others, not so much.
No secrets were found today.