Okay, so I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about the “Craig Jones drug stack” online, and honestly, I got curious. I’m not gonna lie, the whole thing sounded a little sketchy at first, but after looking more into it, I became more and more intrigued by the results some people were getting. So, I decided to give it a shot myself, and document the whole experience.

Getting Started
First things first, I spent a good chunk of time just researching. I didn’t want to jump into anything blindly. I scoured forums, read articles, and basically tried to soak up as much information as I could.
Once I felt I had good graps on the substances, I started sourcing everything.
The Experiment
Then came the actual experiment. For reference here is my simple infomation:
- Age: 35
- Weight:195lb
- Height: 6ft
Day one,I woke up feeling a little nervous, but also excited.I took the first, and felt a slight increase in energy, but nothing too crazy, I went about my day as usual.
- Day 1: Not much to report.
- Day 3: I noticed I was a little more focused during my workout. Could be placebo, could be something else.
- Day 7: Definitely feeling stronger. My lifts are up, and I’m recovering faster.
- Day 14: Okay, this is where things got interesting. I was sleeping better, feeling more energetic throughout the day, and my workouts were amazing.
- Day 21: The results are undeniable at this point. I’ve gained lean muscle, lost some fat, and generally feel great.
My Thoughts
After three weeks, I decided to stop and see how my body would react. After a few more weeks I did notice a little bit of drop, so I started a reduced amount of the stack again, and I feel much *’s not magic, and it’s definitely not for everyone. You still have to put in the work. But for me, it was a worthwhile experiment, and I’m happy with the results.

I will try it again in the near future.