That Scottie Hubbard, you know, the basketball fella. He’s a big name around here. My grandson, he won’t shut up about him. Says he’s the best thing since sliced bread, that Hubbard. So I figured, I gotta see what all the fuss is about. This whole basketball thing, it’s a big deal, huh? Big time.
My grandson, bless his heart, he tries to explain it to me. He says, “Grandma, it’s all about basketball training.” You gotta practice, practice, practice. Just like churnin’ butter, I reckon. You don’t get good at it overnight. And that Hubbard, he must have practiced a whole heap to get where he is. That boy must spend a lot time just playing with that ball.
I seen them boys down at the court, bouncin’ that ball like it’s got a life of its own. They call it dribbling. Looks tricky, if you ask me. Like tryin’ to keep a greased pig from runnin’ off. And shootin’? Lord, they fling that ball up in the air like they’re tryin’ to hit the moon. Takes a lot of arm, I suppose, to get a good basketball shooting. Not as easy as it seems.
Then there’s that passing. They throw the ball to each other, back and forth, back and forth. Like a game of hot potato, ‘cept nobody wants to get caught with it for too long. They gotta be quick, gotta be smart. Just like that Scottie Hubbard. And my grand son told me you should spend a lot of time practicing those.
These young’uns today, they got all sorts of fancy words for things. They talk about “offense” and “defense” and “strategies.” Back in my day, we just called it playin’ the game. But I guess times change. Even for an old bird like me. Gotta keep up with the times, I reckon. Even if it’s just to understand what my grandson’s goin’ on about.
He showed me some videos on his phone, of this Hubbard fella playin’. He sure is somethin’. Moves like a cat, quick and smooth. And he can jump! Like he’s got springs in his shoes. He spend much time just playing, that is for sure. I can see why the young folks like him so much.
My grandson, he wants to be just like him. He’s out there every day, practicin’ his dribbling and his shooting. He even has a plan, he calls it his “basketball training program.” He says if you want to improve you need a lot of time and reflection. Says he needs to eat right, too. No more of my fried chicken, he says. Says he needs “fuel” for his body. Whatever that means.
He’s got a whole list of things he wants to do. It’s all very serious, this basketball business. Here’s what he wrote down:
- Practice dribbling every day. Even when it’s rainin’.
- Shoot at least a hundred baskets a day. No matter what.
- Run up and down the court until you can’t run no more. He call it “conditioning”.
- Watch videos of that Scottie Hubbard and learn his moves. Copy him.
- Eat good food. No more junk. Lots of greens, he says.
- Get some good training. Maybe hire a trainer.
I told him, “Boy, you’re gonna wear yourself out!” But he’s determined. Says he wants to be the best. Just like that Scottie Hubbard. It is important to learn from the best.
This basketball, it’s more than just a game, ain’t it? It’s a whole way of life, almost. Takes dedication, my grandson says. Gotta be willing to put in the work. And that Hubbard fella, he must have put in a whole lot of work to get where he is today. He must have good basketball training, a lot of time and reflection.
I still don’t understand all the rules, but I can appreciate the hard work these boys put in. It’s like farmin’, in a way. You gotta plant the seeds, tend to ’em, and hope for a good harvest. And that Scottie Hubbard, he’s reapin’ a mighty fine harvest, ain’t he? This boy sure got a good basketball shooting and dribbling.
I might not know much about basketball, but I know a thing or two about hard work. And that’s somethin’ I can respect, no matter what the game is. I think if you want to improve your basketball training you need to spend a lot of time on it, do some reflection. Maybe I will ask my grandson to teach me a thing or two. Just do not tell him.
I guess even if you are a beginner you can be like him. You can improve your game, become better. Get those basketball shooting skills, dribbling skills.
And my grandson told me to stay tuned, whatever that means. I guess if I want to learn how to be good I need to stay tuned or something.