Okay, so I was digging around the internet, as I often do, looking for random stuff. I stumbled upon this “Greg Norman Chris Evert” thing and got curious. I mean, you hear those names, right? Big-time sports stars. So, I decided to see what the connection was.

First, I just did a simple search. You know, typed in “Greg Norman Chris Evert” and see what pops up. The usual stuff came up – some news articles, Wikipedia pages, the basic info. It looked like they were married…and then divorced. Okay, that’s something.
Then I wanted some more juicy details, wanted to look at the timeline. So I refined my search. I started looking for specific dates, like “Greg Norman Chris Evert wedding date.” That gave me a starting point. Found out they got hitched in 2008. A fancy wedding in the Bahamas, apparently.
- Started with a broad search.
- Refined it to find a wedding date (2008).
Next, I naturally wanted to find out when things went south. So I searched for “Greg Norman Chris Evert divorce.” Boom. Found out they separated pretty quickly, like, after only 15 months. And the divorce was finalized in 2009. Wow, that was fast!
Digging a bit Deeper
I went down the rabbit hole a little at the point.
I started digging into articles from around that time (2008-2009). You know, the gossip mags, sports news sites, anything I could find.
I wanted the “inside scoop,” even if it was probably just rumors.
Most of the stuff was just speculation. You know how it is – “sources say” this and that. Some articles talked about their different lifestyles, how they were always traveling, not spending much time together. Others hinted at…well, let’s just say “other people” being involved. But who knows what’s true and what’s not, right?

I also tried searching for interviews with either of them around the time of the divorce. I figured maybe they’d said something, even if it was just a carefully worded statement. Found a few things, but nothing super revealing. Lots of “we wish each other the best” type of stuff. Standard PR responses.
So, after all that searching, what did I really learn? They got married, it didn’t last long, and there was probably a lot of drama that we’ll never really know about. It is just one of those things. People get together, people break up. Even famous athletes. The internet just makes it all a bit more…public, I guess. It was an interesting little dive into their history, anyway!