Alright, so I’ve been messing around with fantasy baseball again this year, and the biggest hurdle? Coming up with a killer team name. Seriously, it’s almost as important as the draft itself! So, I figured I’d document my, uh, process this time around. Maybe it’ll help someone else, or at least provide a good laugh.

Brainstorming (aka Staring Blankly at the Wall)
First, I just sat there. Seriously, just tried to let ideas flow. I grabbed a notebook and a pen – old school, I know – and just started jotting down anything that came to mind. Baseball terms, player names, random puns… it was a mess. I even tried those online name generators, but they mostly spit out generic garbage.
Digging Deeper (aka Googling Like Crazy)
After the initial brain-dump, which was mostly useless, I started getting more specific. I thought about my favorite players. Could I work one of their names into a pun? No dice. Then I thought about my team strategy. Was I going for power hitters? Speedy base-stealers? Nope, still nothing clicking.
I then searched for some common ways to make those team names and this is roughly what I found, but it was all pretty generic:
- Pop Culture References:
- Player Name Puns:
- Location-Based Names:
- Inside Jokes:
The Breakthrough (aka The Accidental Pun)
I was about to give up, honestly. Then, I was scrolling through Twitter, and I saw a post about some obscure baseball stat. And it hit me! I finally thought I would try and use rhymes. Nothing too fancy, but simple rhymes. I jotted those ideas down too.
Testing and Refining (aka Asking My Friends)
I narrowed it down to about five names, and then I ran them by my buddies. You need that outside perspective, you know? They immediately vetoed two of them – brutal, but necessary. They said they were dumb, and too hard to get. One of them was kind of okay, and I was ready to move forward with the other two.
The Final Choice(Two Final Choices)
After I had two I was happy with, I mulled them over for a while, and settled on whichever one I thought sounded better.
So there you have it. My incredibly unscientific method for coming up with a fantasy baseball team name. It’s more art than science, I guess. The whole thing took me like, two hours longer than it should have, but hey, at least I’ve got a decent name now. I landed on two good ones, and either one of them will make the league laugh a bit. Now, back to actually building the team…