Well, let me tell ya, this Monopoly Go thing, it ain’t been workin’ right today, not one bit. I keep hearin’ folks complainin’, and I’m one of ’em! This mornin’, I woke up, wanted to play a little, ya know, pass the time. But that darn game, it just wouldn’t load. I tapped and tapped on that little picture on my phone, the one with the rich fella with the mustache, but nothin’. Just a blank screen starin’ back at me.
Now, I ain’t no spring chicken, and I don’t know much about these newfangled gadgets. My grandkid set it up for me, said it was a fun game, somethin’ to keep this old lady busy. And it was, for a while. I liked buildin’ them little houses and hotels, collectin’ the rent, even if it was just pretend money. But today, it’s like the whole thing’s gone haywire.
- First, it wouldn’t start.
- Then, when I finally got it goin’, it kept crashin’. I’d be right in the middle of a game, about to bankrupt somebody, and boom! Gone. Back to the home screen.
- And don’t even get me started on them dice rolls. Folks say there’s ways to get more rolls, somethin’ about airplane mode and glitches. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. I just tap that button and hope for the best. But lately, the best ain’t been good enough. I keep rollin’ them low numbers, landin’ on properties I don’t need, while everybody else is buildin’ skyscrapers and laughin’ all the way to the bank.
I heard some young’uns talkin’ ’bout servers and versions and whatnot. Said maybe my game wasn’t talkin’ to the main computer thingy. They told me to turn it off and on again, like that’d fix everything. Well, I did that, and it didn’t do a lick of good. Still stuck. Still frustrated.
Why is Monopoly Go not working today? That’s what I wanna know! It’s a mystery to me, like why the rooster crows at dawn or why cats hate water. Some things just don’t make no sense. And this game not workin’ is one of ’em. I spent good money on them dice, ya know, the ones that give you extra rolls. Not a lot, mind you, I ain’t got money to throw around. But still, it’s the principle of the thing. If I pay for somethin’, I expect it to work. Plain and simple.
I ain’t the only one complainin’, neither. My neighbor, old Mrs. Higgins, she’s fit to be tied. She’s been playin’ this game even longer than me, and she says she’s never seen it this bad. She called her grandson, the one who works at the computer store, and he told her somethin’ about server maintenance and updates. Sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me, but he said they might be fixin’ somethin’.
I guess all we can do is wait. And maybe grumble a little bit. It ain’t the end of the world, I know. There’s bigger problems out there, like the price of eggs and the weather bein’ so crazy. But still, when you’re lookin’ forward to a little bit of fun, a little bit of somethin’ to take your mind off things, and it don’t work, it’s a darn shame. Maybe they should be givin’ us free dice rolls, maybe even some free money. You know, to make up for all this trouble.
So, here I sit, waitin’ for this Monopoly Go game to get its act together. I’ll give it a little while longer, then I might just go back to knittin’. At least the needles don’t crash on ya. And if anybody figures out what’s goin’ on, let me know. I’ll be over here by the window, waitin’ for that rich fella with the mustache to start workin’ again.
I heard some people sayin’ you should play less when you get to 80 dice, just save ’em up. Use free gifts and daily treats. Sounds like a good plan, if I can ever get the darn game to work long enough to try it. They said it crashes when you try to build too much. Well, maybe if it didn’t crash, I wouldn’t be so frustrated and sitting here complainin’ like an old hen. But that’s just how it is, I guess. Some days you win, some days the game won’t even let you play.
And that’s the truth, as plain as the nose on your face.
Tags: Monopoly Go, Game Issues, Not Working, Dice Rolls, Server, Crash, Glitch, Update, Maintenance