Okay, so today I decided to get back on the court and mess around with some tennis. I haven’t played in ages, so I figured I’d look up “shnaider tennis” just to see, you know, maybe some drills or something. I was thinking, “Maybe there’s some cool new technique I should try?”

Digging Around
I started by just typing “shnaider tennis” into the search bar. I wasn’t expecting much to be honest.
My “Practice” Session
Armed with absolutely nothing, I headed to the court. It felt good to hold the racquet again, even if I felt completely lost. I started by just hitting some balls against the wall.
- First step: Find a wall. Check.
- Second: Try to hit the ball. Mostly check.
- Third: Remember how to serve… sort of check.
My serves were… interesting. Let’s just say the ball went everywhere but where it was supposed to. I spent a good amount of time just chasing balls, which, hey, is cardio, right?
Then I tried to rally with myself, back and forth, back and forth. That lasted, oh, about three hits before the ball decided to take a detour into the next court. I felt like a total beginner, and it had little to do with any search of “Shnaider Tennis”.
Wrapping Up
After an hour or so, I was pretty beat. I was mostly all over the place and really, the next step is to find some local classes. My search was totally useless, I played and I’ll keep working on it slowly. It was fun, even if I was terrible. At least I got outside and got some exercise. Maybe next time I’ll actually do it, but for now, I’m calling it a win… even if my tennis skills say otherwise.