Okay, so I’ve been trying to get better at crossword puzzles lately. It’s, like, a way to keep my brain from turning into mush, you know? Today, I tackled one with the clue “laments,” and boy, was it a journey.

First, I stared at the blank spaces. Seven letters. “Laments”… what could it be? My mind went completely blank. I skipped it and moved on to other clues, hoping something would click.
I filled in a few easier ones, getting a couple of crossing letters for the “laments” spot. I had an “M” in the third position and an “S” at the end. Hmm, M…S. Still nothing. I started running through words in my head. “Dreams”? Nope. “Memes”? Definitely not.
- I even tried humming sad songs, thinking maybe a synonym would pop into my head. Total fail.
- Then I looked around the room, hoping for some random inspiration. My cat was sleeping. No help there.
Finally, I decided to just brute-force it. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down every seven-letter word ending in “S” that I could think of. It was a long, messy list. Mostly nonsense.
The “Aha!” Moment
And then, there it was. Like, halfway down my scribbled list. “MOURNS.” It fit! It made sense! “Laments” means to mourn! I slammed the word into the puzzle grid, feeling like a total genius.
So, yeah, that’s how I figured out “laments” in today’s crossword. It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t elegant, but I got there. And that’s all that matters, right? Another small victory in my quest to conquer the crossword world. Maybe tomorrow I’ll actually know the answer right away… maybe.