Okay, let me tell you how I got into this whole thing with the WWE pay-per-view chairs. It wasn’t something I planned, you know? It just sort of… happened.

It started years back. I managed to scrape together enough cash to go to a big event, I think it was a SummerSlam. Scored some decent seats, not ringside, but close enough to feel the energy. Down there, I saw them – the folks in the first few rows sitting on these special chairs with the event logo printed right on them. I remember thinking, “Huh, that’s pretty neat.” Didn’t think much more of it at the time, just enjoyed the show.
Fast forward a bit, maybe a year or two. I was browsing online, probably looking for wrestling t-shirts or something dumb like that. And boom, there it was. Someone was selling one of those event chairs. It wasn’t from the show I went to, it was a WrestleMania one. Suddenly, I got this itch. I remembered seeing them live. It felt like a real piece of the event, something tangible you could take home.
Getting the First One
So, I decided I had to have one. It wasn’t cheap, mind you. Especially with shipping, these things are kinda bulky. But I pulled the trigger. When it finally arrived, I pulled it out of the box. It was heavy, sturdy, just a folding chair really, but with that logo… it felt different. I sat in it, pretending I was ringside. Yeah, a bit silly, but it was cool.
That first one opened the floodgates. It sat in the corner of my room, and every time I looked at it, I thought about other events. Royal Rumble? Survivor Series? What did those chairs look like? The hunt began.
The Hunt and Growing Pains
Finding these things isn’t always easy. You can’t just walk into a store and buy them.
- Some people sell the ones they got at the shows.
- Sometimes you find them on auction sites.
- Sometimes you just get lucky stumbling across a forum post or something (no links here, just saying!).
I started searching more actively. Found another one, then another. Each one had its own little story, even if it was just the story of me finding it. Like the time I snagged an NXT TakeOver chair for a decent price because the seller misspelled “TakeOver”. Their mistake was my gain!
The collection started to grow. Slowly at first, then maybe a bit too fast. My wife started giving me ‘the look’. You know the one. Because suddenly, we had several folding chairs leaning against a wall in the spare room. Then they migrated to the garage.
Storage became a real thing I had to figure out. These aren’t small collectibles like action figures. They take up space. Real, physical space. I had to get creative, build some simple racks in the garage just to keep them organized and prevent them from getting too banged up.

Where I’m At Now
So now? Yeah, I’ve got a decent little collection. It’s not massive compared to some guys I’ve heard about, but it’s mine. Each one represents an event, a moment in wrestling history I guess. I don’t even go to many shows anymore, but having the chairs feels like a connection.
I’ve slowed down a lot lately. Partly because of space, partly because some of the prices people ask now are just crazy. I focus more on filling specific gaps or finding chairs from events I really enjoyed watching.
It’s kind of a weird hobby, collecting folding chairs. Most people don’t get it. They just see chairs. But for me, it’s like collecting ticket stubs, but way bigger and harder to store. It’s a fun, tangible link to something I enjoy. It’s just my thing, you know?