Okay, so today I’m gonna tell you guys about my little adventure getting into the Marvel Codes PC Rivals thing and how I finally made it to Twitch affiliate. It’s been a wild ride, let me tell you.
Getting Started with Marvel Codes
First off, I stumbled upon these Marvel Codes a while back. I was just browsing, you know, looking for something new to get into, and boom, there it was. Sounded kinda cool, so I decided to give it a shot. I downloaded the game and started poking around. Initially, I was just messing around, not really taking it too seriously.
Diving into PC Rivals
Then I found out about this PC Rivals thing. It’s like, the competitive scene for the game. I watched a few streams and thought, “Hey, I could probably do that.” So, I started playing more regularly. Got my characters leveled up, learned some of the tricks and strategies. You know, the usual grind. I started joining these online matches, got my butt kicked a few times, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?
The Road to Twitch Affiliate
Now, here’s where the Twitch part comes in. I figured, why not stream my matches? Maybe I could build a little community, have some fun with it. So, I set up my Twitch account, got some basic streaming software working. Nothing fancy, just the bare minimum to get started.
- Streaming Regularly: I started streaming a few times a week. Just playing the game, chatting with whoever showed up in the chat. It was a bit awkward at first, talking to myself basically, but I got used to it.
- Finding My Groove: It took a while to find my rhythm. Figuring out what times worked best, what kind of content people liked. Sometimes I’d have a good stream with lots of viewers, other times it was just crickets.
- Meeting the Requirements: Twitch has these requirements you gotta meet to become an affiliate. Like, a certain number of followers, hours streamed, average viewers, stuff like that. It’s not easy, but it’s doable.
- Finally Making It: After a few months of consistent streaming, I finally hit all the requirements! I got the email from Twitch, and let me tell you, I was stoked. It felt like all those late nights and awkward streams were worth it.
So yeah, that’s my story. It wasn’t a straight line, and there were definitely some bumps along the way. But I kept at it, and now I’m a Twitch affiliate, playing Marvel Codes PC Rivals. It’s been a fun journey, and I’m excited to see where it goes from here.